A Dereham church volunteer who came up with the idea of a wreath trail said she could not believe the buzz it created upon its return.

Lyn Milns created the Dereham Baptist Church Christmas Wreath Festival Trail last year alongside members at the church, as the traditional event in the church was cancelled due to the pandemic.

Mrs Milns got 32 businesses to hang wreaths either created by them, or schools or care home, and put in shop windows to create the trail.

This year, not only is the two-day event returning on December 16, but 55 businesses have signed up to hang a wreath.

"It feels fantastic, I really could not get over the excitement around the shops and business staff, to make a wreath and take part," Mrs Milns said.

"There is such a buzz, which we did not have last year.”

“I wanted to bring attention to what we have in Dereham town centre, places tucked away that people might discover if they went and looked for it.

“It was very successful and people were asking, is it happening this year?

A checklist to track down all the wreaths is available from YMCA, Green Pastures, Dereham Library and the church's website.