Many of us will be noticing condensation on our windows as we try and cut down on the amount of time we have our heating on for this year.

Condensation can damage your windows and furniture, and it can also cause mould which could be detrimental to your health to form.

This is everything you need to know about why condensation may be forming on your windows, and how you can prevent it from happening.

Why is their condensation on my windows?

Stephen Hankinson, energy efficiency expert at Electric Radiators Direct explains how condensation is caused, what the health risks are with having a very humid or ā€˜dampā€™ home, and what to do about it.

He said: ā€œHumidity is a measurement of the water content in the air. It's usually measured in percentages or grams per cubic metre.

ā€œIdeally, our indoor spaces should have a humidity level of about 50%. While most of us wonā€™t be able to measure this, there will be some clear signs if your homeā€™s humidity is too high or low.

ā€œIf your homeā€™s humidity is too high, you may notice condensation on your windows or mirrors. Condensation happens when thereā€™s too much moisture in the air, and it collects as droplets on a cool surface.ā€

How to prevent condensation on your windows

In terms of getting your homeā€™s humidity to the right level, there are a couple of solutions that can really make a difference.

While investing in a humidifier or dehumidifier may be the most obvious step to consider, itā€™s important to get to the bottom of why your homeā€™s humidity levels are too high or low in the first place ā€“ otherwise youā€™re merely putting a plaster over the real issue.

Keep your rooms heated and ventilated

Itā€™s important to keep your rooms heated to prevent condensation and high humidity, as this will keep the water in the air in vapour form by preventing it from cooling too much. It will also increase the airā€™s circulation, allowing it to cycle out of the room more easily.

Doing this while keeping your windows or vents open will help excess moisture to escape. Of course, keeping your windows open in winter is easier said than done.

Opening your windows for just five minutes a day could make a difference, if you canā€™t withstand doing it for longer.

Itā€™s especially important to ventilate your home when youā€™re cooking, or drying clothes inside. Always make sure you are using your extractor fan, and place damp laundry near an open window.

Look at improving your homeā€™s insulation

If youā€™re heating and ventilating your home properly already, and still experiencing things like mould, damp or dust mites, there may be other factors at play.

Insulation keeps moisture out of your home, by sealing it from the outside. It eliminates cold surfaces where condensation can form, keeping your home warmer and dryer.

If your home is poorly insulated, then too much moisture may be entering your home, and heating and ventilating may only do so much.

Install a radiant heating system

If these steps donā€™t remedy your homeā€™s humidity issues, or you want to ensure your property is extra-safe from humidity-related issues, you may want to consider investing in a heating system that uses radiant heat.

As radiant heat travels through the air rather than warming it directly, it has less of an effect on room humidity as it doesnā€™t rely on the air to transfer warmth. This means the air is more stable, as it isnā€™t circulating heat around your home. This can help to gradually increase humidity and has the added benefit of not spreading as many dust particles around your home.

There are a couple of options when it comes to radiant heating systems. The first is infrared panels, which provide 100% of their warmth through radiant heat. Theyā€™re slim units that can be installed on walls or ceilings. They can either blend in, or stand out, to fit your homeā€™s design.

The second option is electric radiators, which provide around a third of their heat through radiation. This could be a good middle ground option for those who donā€™t want 100% of their homeā€™s heat to be provided through radiation.