An upholsterer says she is proud to be part of a group of women helping to bring more trade to a town centre.

Sarah Pearce, 65, has brought her upholstery skills to 28 Upper Market in Fakenham, making her the third woman to open a business in the town in recent months.

Although the Upper Market Place Upholstery is new to Fakenham, Ms Pearce is not.

She lived in a nearby village outside Fakenham before moving into the town this year.

Ms Pearce was also a design and technology teacher before taking the leap to open her first business.

Sarah Pearce opened the doors to the shop on September 8. Sarah Pearce opened the doors to the shop on September 8. (Image: Sarah Pearce)

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She said: "I studied design at Hornsby School of Art at Middlesex University in the 1980s. 

"Then I learnt upholstery in Fakenham 35 years ago.

"When I returned to upholstery after being in the classroom, I wanted to use my skills to teach and create. So l found a shop in Fakenham where l could do both.

"Number 28 is a wonderful vintage shop that I used to visit," she added. 

In addition to offering her upholstery services, Ms Pearce will also be offering beginner classes from October 8 as well as other workshops.

She follows two other businesses that recently opened in the town - Claire Howard Jewellery and the Extraordinary Hats Company - both of which offer workshops and classes.

Sarah Pearce described the process of opening the shop as a learning curve.Sarah Pearce described the process of opening the shop as a learning curve. (Image: Sarah Pearce)Ms Pearce said: "The lady that ran the premises before me was giving up the lease for various reasons but one of the main ones was the lack of footfall.

"By providing workshops, all of us are helping bring people into town for a reason."

She said: "It's an exciting time to be opening in Fakenham alongside other women who are a driving force in regenerating the town centre."

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The artist, Jo Budd, will also be exhibiting her work in the shop.The artist, Jo Budd, will also be exhibiting her work in the shop. (Image: Sarah Pearce)

During her preparations, Ms Pearce said she has received "so much support from others on Upper Market Place".

She said: "The florists, the cinema and everyone nearby has said they want to see Fakenham be a busy hub of interesting places to go."

The shop will also exhibit work from Jo Budd, a contemporary textile artist, and cushions by Diana Wilson Arcana. 

Although Ms Pearce opened the shop on September 8, the official opening, which will include classes, will take place on October 8.