It is an issue that has certainly been generating lots of heat and, say critics, plenty of noise.

An ongoing row involving a school's air source heat pumps, which neighbours say are too loud, has flared up again.

Reepham High School and College was ordered to switch off the devices at certain times, to give angry locals some respite.

However, it has now put in an application with Broadland District Council to keep them running 24 hours a day.

Reepham high school has applied to have pumprunning restrictions lifted.Reepham High School has applied to have pump running restrictions lifted. (Image: ANTONY KELLY)
The proposal has reignited the row with neighbours, who have lodged objections.

The two heat pumps were installed in 2022, but swiftly attracted complaints from people living nearby, who were concerned about the noise.

Restrictions were imposed by the council, requiring the school to only operate the pumps between the hours of 7am and 5pm from Monday to Friday and not on weekends and public holidays.

However, the pumps are designed to be left on and the school has now applied to remove the restrictions.

Mark Bridges has been a long-term campaigner to have the pumps shut down.Mark Bridges has been a long-term campaigner to have the pumps switched off. (Image: Newsquest)
The application has been lodged by Rob Watton from Synergy Academy Trust, which runs the school.

The application states: "Extensive acoustic testing has been carried out and this demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Environmental Quality Team that, if the heat pumps are permitted to run as designed, 24 hours per day, during the winter heating period, and with the building heating patterns restricted to typical times of occupation, then the impact is reduced to an acceptable level."

However, Chris Johnson, who lives just a few metres from the pumps, on Broomhill Lane, said he would oppose the move.

In an objection letter, he has listed 24 reasons why the proposal should be rejected, arguing they are "the wrong product in the wrong place".

Mark Bridges, another neighbour, said: "This is a very disappointing and highly cynical application.

"This will result in another winter season of running which are ridiculous and unprofessional tactics. End this charade now."